Ms. Mandy Novak-Léonard
Social Worker
Beaconsfield, Québec,
H9W 4N3
It can be time-consuming and frustrating to understand what services are needed and available and if they are good options for you. Save yourself time by getting informed easily. I provide information regarding the services offered in the public and in the private sectors. I can help you tease out the best supports, services or care for your loved one.
Are you worried about your loved one being at home alone? Have you been told that your loved one’s needs have changed and you want a second opinion? Sometimes it can be very hard to recognize changes in our loved ones. It can also be very hard to determine if memory loss and/or confusion is part of the normal aging process or is there something to be concerned about. I offer assessments of your loved one’s cognitive abilities and target the elements that need further exploration.
Psychosocial assessment for the opening of a protective supervision: curatorship or tutorship, or the homologation of a mandate of protection. These reports establish a person’s inability to make informed decisions and are required when an individual must take over managing the finances of a loved one.